

offered in Sierra Vista, AZ

Angioplasty services offered in Sierra Vista, AZ

Angioplasty is a safe and effective way to open blocked arteries and improve blood flow. Residents in and around Sierra Vista, Arizona, can rely on Vinay Sanghi, MD, of Heart and Vascular Associates, LLC, for outstanding heart health services, including angioplasty. Book your visit online in just a few clicks, or call the office to check appointment availability. 

Angioplasty Q & A

What is angioplasty?

Angioplasty is a surgical procedure that uses a small medical balloon to expand arteries. It offers the chance to improve blood flow without more invasive surgical intervention.

Coronary angioplasty helps widen the arteries connected directly to your heart. Peripheral angioplasty opens clogged arteries that supply blood to your legs. 

Angioplasty is performed in a hospital or surgical center and begins with IV placement to administer fluids and medications. Devices monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen levels throughout the procedure. 

A local anesthetic numbs the area before an incision to guide a small catheter into your artery. Contrast dye enters and allows X-ray imaging to track the catheter. Once in the targeted area, a small medical balloon expands, compressing the accumulated arterial plaque and widening the artery. 

Your cardiologist might recommend a thin piece of metal mesh tubing called a stent to help keep the targeted artery from collapsing. The balloon inflates within the stent, which helps it fully expand and secure in place against your artery walls. 

Why is angioplasty performed?

Angioplasty can help reduce chest pain that develops as a result of clogged arteries. It’s helpful for people who have tried to improve circulation through lifestyle modifications like enhanced nutrition, exercise, or weight loss, but who haven’t achieved success. 

It can also limit heart damage in the timeframe immediately after a heart attack. This use of angioplasty is an emergency procedure. 

Angioplasty is also a treatment option for peripheral artery disease. The procedure helps improve blood flow to your legs and can reduce symptoms like pain when walking. 

How do I prepare for my angioplasty procedure?

Your cardiologist performs multiple tests to determine if angioplasty is the right fit for your needs. If your doctor performs a coronary angiogram and finds areas of blockage, they can move forward with angioplasty right away, while you’re already catheterized. 

If your angioplasty is scheduled, be sure to share the full details of any medications or supplements you’re taking. You might need to fast for 6-8 hours prior to your procedure. 

You’ll need to arrange for a friend or family member to take you home after your angioplasty. Some help around the house for a few days is also a great idea and gives you time to rest and recover. 

If you’re ready to learn more, booking a visit is fast and easy whether you choose to connect with Heart and Vascular Associates online or by phone. 

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Services we provide
Each of our services employs the latest medical technology to provide comprehensive treatment close to home. We have created efficient office systems that reduce the wait time between receiving results and speaking with your personal care provider. Our team is ready to serve you with these specialties.